Terms of use

Liability for content
As service provider according to § 7 paragraph 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act), Upline GmbH is responsible for its own contents on these pages subject to general statutes. According to sections 8 to 10 TMG, Upline GmbH as a service provider, however, is neither bound to monitor external information or contents which have been transferred or saved nor to investigate circumstances indicating unlawful activities. The obligation to remove information or block the use of information pursuant to general statutes shall remain unaffected thereby. However, respective liability is only possible from the point in time when knowledge has been obtained about an actual violation of the law. Upon becoming aware of such violations of law, we will remove respective contents immediately.

Trademarks, service marks as well as logos („brand“) used on this webpage are partially registered or also unregistered trademarks of Upline GmbH, MATRIX-Computer GmbH or Mr Thorsten Engel. The display of marks on this webpage does not entitle the user to derive from it a licence or purchase of the mark or the right to use such mark.

Liability for links
This website uses links or links to external websites of different or third-party providers. These links were set up to make our own website more user-friendly. Upline GmbH is not responsible for external websites as well as their contents and has no influence on their contents or any modifications of content. Therefore we do not assume any responsibility for these external contents. Linked pages have been scrutinized for illegal contents at the time of linking. Illegal contents were not detected at the time of linking. A permanent content control of linked pages is not reasonable without any actual indications towards a breach of law. Upon becoming aware of violations of law, we will remove respective links immediately.

Copyright laws
The contents, works or pictures established by the service provider on these pages are subject to German copyright laws. The reproduction, modification, distribution or any kind of exploitation outside the limitations of the copyright laws are subject to written approval by the respective author or creator. Copies and downloads of this page, its contents, works or pictures is only permitted for private use, not for commercial use. If contents on this website have not been created by the provider, third-party copyright laws have to be observed. Should you become aware of copyright infringement nevertheless, we would kindly ask you to alert us to it. Upon becoming aware of violations of law, we will remove such contents immediately after the respective indication.

Applicable law
These webpages are run and set up by Upline GmbH, Nymphenburger Straße 5, 80335 München, Germany. Upline GmbH does not guarantee that contents, works or pictures on this webpage outside the boundaries of the Federal Republic of Germany will be appropriate, available or retrievable. People accessing this webpage from outside of Germany do this at their own initiative and are solely responsible for abiding by the laws effective in the respective country. Any claims relating to these webpages and their use are subject to the statutes of the Federal Republic of Germany whereby provisions of international civil law do not come into effect.

Approval, transfer and amendments of these terms of use
By entering this webpage, you automatically agree with and are bound by its terms of use. In case you refuse to accept its terms of use, do not use this webpage.
Upline GmbH is entitled to revise the terms of use at any time. By entering this webpage, you agree with such revision. Therefore, we advise you to examine the page „Terms of Use“ from time to time to review the current version of these terms of use.